Keisoku-ji, located in Nagahama of Shiga, an old abandoned temple is known for its beautiful “red carpet” approach, created by the falling red maple leaves.
Eigen-ji Temple/ Shiga
Eigen-ji, located along the gorge of the Echi-gawa river in Shiga is a beautiful spot for autumn foliage. 3,000 maple trees color the whole mountain in red.
Mangetsu-ji Temple/ Shiga
Mangetsu-ji, known as the Ukiumi-do, a floating temple is located on the southwest of Lake Biwa, to provide you one of the 8 beautiful landscapes of Shiga.
Hiyoshi-Taisha Shrine/ Shiga
Hiyoshi-Taisha,a shrine to protect people from misfortune and disasters is located at the foot of Mount Hieizan. The shrine is vey famous for autumn colors.
Shirahige Shrine/ Shiga
The majestic red torii gate of Shirahige Shrine is floating in the western side of Lake Biwa in Shiga. Shirahige Shrine blesses visitors with a long life.
Enryaku-ji Temple/ Shiga
Enryaku-ji, located in Kyoto’s eastern mountain range on Mt. Hieizan. You can go hiking or take the ropeway. The view from the ropeway is amazing.
Mii-dera Temple (三井寺) / Otsu, Shiga
Mii-dera is originally the main inner temple of the Tendai-jimon sect. it became an independent temple on the mount Hiei-zan in 13th century. This temple is also famous for its cherry blossoms (1,500 cherry trees on the grounds)
Ishiyama-dera Temple (石山寺) / Otsu, Shiga
Ishiyama-dera, located in Shiga offers a beautiful view with blooming flowers such as cherry blossoms. There are many other historical and cultural properties.