Mitarashi Festival at Shimogamo Shrine |
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Mitarashi Festival at Shimogamo Shrine

July 19 July 28

At Shimogamo Shrine, Mitarashi Festival is held every year in midsummer. It is said to have originated in the Heian period (794-1185) when aristocrats performed misogiharai (purification and purification) to purge sins and injuries at the turn of the seasons.
During the Mitarashi Festival, people soak their feet up to the knees in the Mitarashi Pond in front of the Mitarashi Shrine, light candles, and pray for good health. The spring water in the Mitaraike Pond is cold, below 20 degrees Celsius even in mid-summer, and it feels quite cold even during the Mitarai Festival in July.

Shimogamo Shrine(下鴨神社)

Address : 〒606-0807 Kyoto, Sakyo Ward, Shimogamo Izumikawacho, 59

Hours : 9:00 to 20:00

Admission : Free

Access : 10-minute walk from Demachiyanagi station on the Keihan line, Kyoto city bus No.4 from JR Kyoto station to Shimogamo-jinja-mae Stop.